Leavesden Montessori


What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision is good

Children of all ages thoroughly enjoy the time they spend in this calm, nurturing environment. They are greeted warmly by staff who swiftly engage them in meaningful conversations. For example, some children have returned from holidays abroad. Staff encourage them to talk about their experiences of different countries. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure. They form close bonds with staff, rushing into their arms when they arrive, and cuddling up to them for stories during the day.

Children demonstrate high levels of confidence. They show great determination when exploring the challenging activities, which staff skilfully organise. For example, children choose to arrange flowers into vases. They demonstrate great skill when using scissors to cut the stems, and when pouring water from crockery jugs into glass vases. Children are highly sociable. They engage well with visitors, welcoming them into their play and conversations.

Children of all ages are highly independent. Young children are confident at putting on their coats and shoes. They clear away their own cutlery and crockery after meals and snacks. Older children lay the table at mealtimes and demonstrate great skill in using cutlery correctly. Children leave the setting well prepared for the routines of school.

See the detailed Ofsted Inspection report.